Put Your Body
In Good Hands
Anti Aging Clinic

The logo of Precision Acupuncture ® means that
it represents P in Precision
and Yin and Yang at the bottom
symbolizing the first step to find a root cause of symptoms
and sprouting a green leaf after going through sound, pleasant treatment protocols.
Why a three-leaf clover, then?
Most people look for a four-leaf clover to find a luck
stomping on others.
Yet, you know what?
A four-leaf clover might give you a luck while many three-leaf clovers mean h.a.p.p.i.n.e.s.s.
We want you to be happy and worthy
instead of being lucky.
My —
Holistic Practice

It is my privilege to introduce myself to you.
My name is Daniel Choi, a metabolic syndrome & pain relief
specialist based on natural herbs and painless acupuncture in Long Beach, California. As you know, our body has Natural Healing Power. Thus, I focus on boosting the energy to treat any symptoms you may have minimizing side effects.
I take steps to track down the root cause of issues based upon a meridian & organ treatment, musculoskeletal dermatome treatment, or tension myositis treatment. Typically, the treatment includes acupuncture, cupping, Moxibustion, electric stimulation with needles, auricular(ear) acupuncture, scalp(head) acupuncture, and herb prescription depending on patients’ conditions and needs.
Most of all, I love to help you to be happy, so that you can help others happier. I would like to achieve the goal of my life by maximizing the value of your life as minimizing any issues you have through holistic but realistic medicine.
Daniel Choi,
Doctor of Acupuncture
Dipl. of OM (NCCAOM)
Functional Nutritionist
Discover the Joyful Life of a Pain-Free Body, Abundant Energy, and Vital Well-Being, TODAY!

About Pain Relief
Although WHO lists a wide variety of disorders for which acupuncture therapy has been proved effective, pain relief has been practiced over 4,000 years and well known as an instant, efficient treatment without side effects.
To stimulate meridians or unblock stagnated blood and energy by inserting needles on targeted points.
To detox and relieve muscle tension by attaching vacuum cups on certain points. (effective to relieve muscle pain and boost circulation of blood and energy)
To boost acupuncture stimulation by adding low voltage electricity on needles. (effective to solve nerve related issues)
To warm up and boost energy by placing dried mugwort on targeted points using heat (effective to expel cold pathogens and gynecological issues)
Emperor's Cupping Therapy®
Certified Emperor's Cupping Therapist (CECT)® is available for a medical cupping therapy to meet your body needs.
Herbal Medicine
To harmonize and boost deficient body conditions and organs
Get In Touch
5500 E. Atherton St. #416
Long Beach, CA 90815
(near VA Hospital &
Cal State Univ.)
Tel: 833-321-1010
Fax: 562-524-1010
Mon.~Sat. 9am~8pm
Major PPO, Veterans,
ILWU(BS) accepted.